Monday, April 27, 2009


I believe the biggest contributing factor to violence in North America is the influence of the media, weapon evolutions, household disputes, and overactive anger. Many times in society today you will hear people say, "Did you see what happened on the new?" This tends to make people all over the world take extra precautions for things even when the situation might be blown out of proportion. Following stories of violence in the media also lead to mass production and the selling of harmful weapons, more cases being in America. I believe the news is out to frighten most of the viewers, making it another way to get consumers to purchase more emergency equipment for the safety of themselves and others. Over the past 100 or more years, weaponry has changed and evolved into something of a terrifying subject. Guns have become so technical and precise that people can now be assassinated from very lengthily distances in order to get the job done. Machinery inventions from brilliant people make it much easier for a society to win in combat and potentially wipe out an entire group. When North Americans can get a hold of weapons of this much power, there has been cases where they go "trigger happy" and it takes over there entire personality, turning them into something of a monster. Household disputes are a major factor in violence in North America. Not to be sexist or anything, but most of the violence that comes out of homes are ones where the man of the house has taken it into his own hands to punish his wife or partner for something they have done wrong. Getting beaten or even just arguments leads to something very dangerous and harmful for not only the people who are involved in the argument, but as well as people around them. Mostly children. The last leading factor to violence in North America has to be just straight up anger completely taking over a personality. People can start out having the most caring happy personality, but turn out to having the scariest angry side that no one would have expected. Things such as traffic, pet peeves, and money can make people become stressed out and turn towards anger. Someone who may be at a certain place at the wrong time may get tangled up in that and it can be very dangerous for a person who does not know how to control a situation like that. So many things can lead to violence though, these are just a few to name, but in each case it can turn out to be a very dangerous and sometimes fatal position to be in.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Superpowers would be amazing.

    If I had to chose to be have any super power in the world, it would have to be teleportation. I love the adventures you could come up with, taking into account you would never have to be hesitant becuase it would take you less than a couple of minutes to get there. As for it being a secret, like the almighty Superman, I think that I would also chose to keep it on the down low. People who know you have those types of powers would always be the ones to take advantage of your skill. Of course I would have to have a sweet outfit with a flashy logo on my chest. It just wouldn't be the same without it. Although I might not be a hero, I can still dress up and pretend to have any courage to do so.